Saturday, May 11, 2013

Springtime Fun

I haven't blogged since the fall... I am finally motivated to pick it up because of SWIM TEAM!!  Here's some other fun stuff recently...

Last weekend we went to Sea World.  It was amazing.  I just got a couple of pics of the girls feeding the dolphins.  Tony brought his camera and took lots of pictures - maybe I'll do another post when he downloads them...

 On Monday Emma's preschool had their annual "Winners on Wheels" event.  They just ride around in circles in the parking lot.  It's fun for me to help out since I love riding my bike.
 Lined up for popsicles!
 Anna decided she would do swimteam this year.  She had been telling me she wouldn't do it until she was 8, but her friends Rylan and Brie were talking about it at school, so she changed her mind.  Yay!!!!  I mainly really wanted them both to do it for at least a couple of years to make sure they are really strong swimmers, but I'm not going to lie - I so excited to see my girl get into this sport.  It was really the only sport I did as a kid, and I really loved it.  And I'm not going to lie either that I am excited she's so fast.  She's the fastest kindergartener.  There are 2 faster 1st graders who have late birthdays in her age group who also swam last year.  Having a summer birthday is an advantage in this sport.  I like the emphasis on racing against your own time though so it makes it fun for everyone and they will be able to encourage each other to beat their times.

So anyway, here they are in the 6 & under tent. Anna is 2nd from left and Rylan and Brie are next to her.
 Lined up!
 Waiting for her turn.
 Anna on the left, Brie on the right.
 On your mark, get set...
 My camera is not fast enough to get the "get set" AND "go".  Here she is about to finish.
  Anna is second, a couple of strokes from finishing.
In case you are wondering, Emma could have done it, but doesn't want to.  Hopefully next year!